Radiant heating system
Invisible ecological heating
Technology and design meet comfort…
Take advantage of your space!
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Who are we?
Natural Comfort, was born from the fusion between the experience of more than 20 years in marketing and installation of heating systems of one of its associate and the firm commitment to innovation, ecology and sustainable development, so necessary nowadays, of all our team.
Our main task is the marketing and installation of heating systems based on ultra-thin (0.5mm) and invisible radiant panels, combined with low consumption systems for the production of DHW (Domestic Hot Water).
In order for our systems to be practically self-sufficient and generate the smallest possible carbon footprint, the installation of photovoltaic solar panels is the perfect option. That is why we have a specific department to study each particular case, and offer our customers the best quality and energy efficiency ratio for their home, business or industry.
Our chronology
Ultra-thin panels obtain special mention as the best industrial product presented at the ficon (iberian construction fair).
They were presented internationally at the international construction and public works fairs in lisbon (portugal), istanbul (turkey) and liege (belgium), all of which received excellent reviews from the participants.
Award in the innovative heating sector at the mateles, contrutec and air conditioning fair in madrid.
Presentation at Construmac, BCN Futur and Meeting Point in Barcelona.
Presentation of two novelties in our products which are considered to be two of the most important technological innovations in the heating sector.
Natural Comfort presents its new and renewed line of products with the application of the latest improvements obtained from our continuous research.
Radiant heating systems
The Natural Comfort heating system consists of 0.5 mm thick, lightweight, flame retardant panels of different dimensions with low power and high efficiency.
The Natural Comfort panels work with average radiant temperatures of certain consideration, being able to use relatively low air temperatures with the economy that this supposes, especially to replace the losses by renovation or infiltration of the air.

Inspired by nature
Natural Comfort® radiant panels use the same principle as the sun, the principle of natural radiant heating.
The sun’s rays work in such a way that it does not heat the air it passes through, only the bodies it strikes. The radiation emitted by the Sun overcomes the distance between it and the Earth almost without loss and is converted into heat once it hits the surface.
It follows the same logic as the heat we feel when holding a hot cup of coffee, and that is that heat can travel in any direction and not upwards as is normally thought.
What exactly is radiant temperature?
We can define it as the transfer of radiant energy that takes place when a hot surface radiates its heat to a colder surface, whereby both surfaces will try to equalise their temperature.
Generally, panels operate below 66ºC, and radiant floor heating at temperatures below 29ºC.A wall, ceiling or floor is considered “radiant” only if 50% or more of the heat transfer is done by RADIANT ENERGY.
Unlike Natural Comfort technology systems, conventional systems are thought of only in terms of air temperature and as a result customers are not enjoying a truly pleasant environment in their own homes or places of business, as our comfort depends on both radiant transfer and air temperature.
Radiant energy, when absorbed by objects, is converted back into heat energy, offering high emissivity and a natural warmth sensation.
The advantages of our panels
Ultra-thin panels
We use the most advanced technology to make the panels with the smallest thickness on the market (0.5mm thick).
Invisible system
Our panels blend perfectly into any surface making them completely invisible.
Fast heating
Our plates reach the optimum heating temperature in record time.
Maximum safety
Does not burn and does not get wet.
Our technology is flame retardant and waterproof so we get a totally safe system.
No dust
The maximum convection of the Natural Comfort panels is 5%, so they do not raise dust, so there are no problems with blackening of walls, ceilings, curtains...
Stable hygrometric degree
By not drying out the air, but rather the materials and objects in the room, the natural humidity of the room is not lost, thus avoiding the annoying respiratory problems caused by traditional heating systems.
Eliminates humidity
Total elimination of humidity on the application surfaces, thanks to the emission of soft radiation.
For example, by installing a panel behind the bathroom mirror, we achieve a double effect: heating the bathroom and avoiding moisture condensation and misting after a hot shower.
Easy and economical installation
Our installation is very simple, quick and without creating any damage. It is undoubtedly the most economical system.
Sustainable energy savings
Consumption compared to other conventional heating systems is estimated to be between 20% and 30% lower, which translates into savings and greater sustainability and responsibility towards the environment.
In addition, the panels are created with minerals and their elements do not generate any type of combustion.
100% ecological system, it can be connected to an app to regulate the hours when you need it and to solar panels to take advantage of renewable energy.
Intelligent energy saving
As they are installed with a latest generation thermostat per room, they allow us to control our heating system on our mobile phone without the need to install a home automation system.
In this way we can control the temperature per room and its hourly use, being able to optimise the operation of the system and reduce consumption, with much lower installation costs than any other heating system.
Wait ... there's more!
Also compatible with solar panels
The installation of photovoltaic solar panels is the perfect option. That is why we have a specific department to study each particular case.
Management from App
100% ecological system, it can be connected to an app to regulate the hours as needed and to solar panels to take advantage of renewable energy.
No maintenance required
As it is not a mechanical system, it does not require any maintenance throughout the life of the device.
Our plasterboard plates have integral heating plates incorporated.
Technical specifications
In order for the heating system to be comfortable, the temperature of the heating panels must not exceed certain limits (65ºC-70ºC). The recommended room temperature is 22ºC, and 18ºC in bedrooms and bathrooms. In no case should the temperature exceed 30ºC.
The micro panels glued on the interior walls have a surface per panel of 1.2mt2, 1.6mt2 and 2.0mt2 with a thickness of 0.5mm and are heated by means of an electrical energy supply and low consumption (from 550w to 1000w depending on the dimensions of the panel). In this way the heat emission is produced by soft radiation to the heated room.

The installation of the plates is easy and fast, although it must be carried out by qualified personnel. It can be placed on any type of smooth surface (tiles, plasterboard, mirrors, pictures, meeting tables, office tables …) without the need for major works, as it does not require pipes, boilers or radiators. All this allows a reduction in cost and installation time.
Heated mirrors
Comfortable heat in bathrooms up to 8m².
It eliminates the mist in its entirety, it is fire retardant and waterproof.
No risk of electric shock.
Without the possibility of burns, as it has a sensor that does not exceed 65ºC.
Heated mirrors

Heated panels

Behind tiles


Meeting tables

Office tables

Natural Comfort at FIRAMACO (IFA Venue)
We are pleased to announce that NATURAL COMFORT will attend the FIRMACO event at the venuefair of Alicante (IFA), to...